The Men They Couldnt Hang 1987 full gig


(The lights turn on at 3:35.) Full live set on March 3rd 1987, Dolce Vita #2, Lausanne, Switzerland. The tracks are listed in the top, pinned post - thanks, Stephen. The band's second filmed gig at this venue - their 1986 show is here:    • The Men They Couldn't Hang - 1986 ful...   - and the 1990 show here:    • The Mekons - live gig, Switzerland, 1...   Big in the Alps. • Youtube Music Publishers now auto-identify melodies in even live versions of songs. So any microscopic Ad Revenue will be paid to the copyright owner, mostly Sony or BMG, who'll in turn pay a % to the songwriters, sometimes TMTCH. Youtube's fingerprinting systems have helpfully provided a track-list. These id's are not always reliable, but the computer say the track-list is as follows: - • 3:15 Rabid Underdog, 5:46 Jack Dandy, 8:23 The Ghosts Of Cable Street, 13:29 Wishing Well, 18:03 Bounty Hunter, 20:26 Tiny Soldiers, 24:02 Dancing on the Pier, 26:33 Island in the Rain, 30:55 Going Back To Coventry, 34:17 Gold Rush, 37:06 Ironmasters, 41:37 Shirt of Blue, 53:03 Greenback Dollar. • Correct tracklist now in the top comment! • More info: • https://thementheycouldnthang.bandcam... • • • #TheMenTheyCouldntHang #DolceVitaClub #TMTCH @Gazely Gaze


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