Hairmax Lasercomb Review Part 2 Little Spudlettes version 2


Hairmax Laser Comb Discount • • Nizoral Shampoo • • This is the second part of my Hairmax Lasercomb Review • Screw Going Bald! - No one wants to go bald especially when you are in your 20's. I have seen guys go bald and they were 26 but since they were bald and overweight they looked like they were 72. Screw that! • I have had people say that you just have to accept going bald, that it is mother nature. I ask them if they every put on sunscreen. Most of them say yes and I ask why they do that. Why not let mother nature roast your skin and make it blister and peal? The answer is clear to me. Why would we let ourselves go bald when we are the first generation with the technology to stop it. We are understanding more and more about the process of hair loss and have ways to battle it effectively. • I'm going to be updating these post periodically to help everyone decide what products they want to use. When I cut my hair short I noticed that I was thinning and my grandpa had told me that when he turned 29 his hair started falling out like crazy and a year later he was completely bald. I'm going to stay on top of this so the same thing doesn't happen to me.


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