How to use SMALL DRILL BITS on a DRILL Chucks


If you need to use a small drill bit on a regular drill chuck to drill pilot holes, you will notice the new chucks have gaps. I love my Ryobi 18v power drill which i bought from a kit ( ) it has a newer chuck that has teeth to hold round drill bits better, however the gap too big for small drill bits such as 1/16 and 3/64 bits from my bit set ( ). I like staying on one platform of tools to share the family of Ryobi 18v battery ( ) • For years I have used Aluminum Tape ( ) to use smaller bits. I basically cut a 1.5 centimeter 4 inch strip. I wrap the tape around the bit. I then use the drill chuck to compress the aluminum tape for a strong grip. After adding the tape, it will stay on the drill bit for the life of the bit. Usually they kits come with multiple small bits as they are meant for pilot holes and drilling delicate materials. • They do sell Small Drill Bit Chuck adapters ( ) that work if you plan to keep your drill bits original. They are delicate and solves this problem as normal small drill bits are not meant to be drilled with a lot of pressure or force. • Items used or mentioned in this article video: • Aluminum Tape: • Small Drill Bit Chuck adaptor • Aluminum Tape: • Ryobi 18v power tools kits ( ) • Ryobi Drill bit sets: • Ryobi 18v battery ( ) • • Thank you for visiting and supporting SterlingW Youtube Channel! • Thanks for watching! Like, Subscribe, Leave a comment, and click the Bell button! • SOCIAL MEDIA: • Join me on Youtube:    • DIY: Honda Civic Power Window Switch ...   • Instagram:   / sterling.wong   • Twitter:   / sterlingwong8   ( @sterlingwong8 ) • Website: • • Disclaimer: • This is what i do for entertainment and your viewing entertainment! Some of the stuff are entertaining, while some are just plain silly. If you do anything with your own property, you do so at your own risk. • Due to factors beyond the control of Sterlingwong, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. This information is for entertainment only. Sterlingwong assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Sterlingwong recommends safe practices when working on personal property , vehicles, and / or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Sterlingwong, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Sterlingwong. 28


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