Top 8 Amazing Snake Movies Of All Time
The world of cinema has an ancient love affair with creature-features. A powerful and dangerous creature is usually pitted as the enemy of humanity in such plots. From sharks to dinosaurs to snakes, the list goes on but the hiss of death really appealed to Hollywood. Since time immemorial, we have had snake movies that involve the deadliest of reptiles causing destruction and taking human lives. • • However, it is not over by simply putting out a movie with a snake as the prime enemy. Among the many snake movies, not many have managed to strike a chord with the audiences. This has ensured a steady demand for a concrete plot involving a fearful snake. The demand has been answered by some of the finest movies that bring about a chill down your spine. The slithering beasts make for some popcorn blockbusters and are amazing guilty pleasures. We bring to you some of the best snake movies that you can lay your hands upon. Let’s begin! • Anaconda (1997) - 1:14 • Snakes On The Plane (2006) - 2:19 • Curse II: The Bite (1989) - 3:23 • Sssssss (1973) - 4:25 • Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (2004) - 5:24 • Venom (1981) - 6:39 • New Alcatraz a.k.a Boa (2001) - 7:45 • King Cobra (1999) - 8:38