Pico8 Desktop Console Very Early Prototype
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=JKJjj8BBlpU
Hardware so far : • 4 Square Screen (720x720): https://a.aliexpress.com/_mtLhZdm • Raspberry Pi Zero W • USB Hub (mainly to make it easier for testing right now) • Current software set up: • Raspbian Lite as the base • The Pico8-Script-for-GPi-Case by Astorek86 (removing aspects that were specific to the GPi case) - https://github.com/Astorek86/Pico8-Sc... • Gist with details to get the screen working: https://gist.github.com/anthonycacces... • Current thinking / next-up: • Speakers, looking to use a simple audio amp (something like this: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-m...) and see if I can set up a potentiometer to enable physical volume control • Case, thinking of designing a case similar in style to the Mac Classic - have a lot to learn here though, so I'll start working in sketchup first to create a quick mockup and 3d print it a few iterations as I go. • Aim would be to have 2 usb ports up front for connecting controlers or mouse and keyboard and then for HDMI I want to explore adding a switch to enable output to the in-built screen or an external monitor • Lots of learning to do for sure =)