Black Toenail how to fix broken toenail safely


Buy Modelling + Cover Pink Here : • • Buy PediSafe Starter Kit here: • • • Black Toenail Caused By Trauma • If you’re like me and love sports or maybe jog in your spare time, your feet and toenails might have taken a beating. It is common to experience toenail lifting or even trauma caused by injury or constant pressure. • When a toenail is injured it is possible to have a hematoma form under the nail plate. This can be painful at first but eventually pass and then you are left with a reddish black toenail. Unfortunately a big toenail can take up to 12 months to grow out. So you may be stuck with this new look for a while and since hematomas are often perceived as toenail fungus, you might want to get rid of it. Especially if the unsightliness does not make you feel so good about wearing open toe shoes. • PediSafe has recently launched their all new Cover Pink Modelling + product. This product allows you to cover up your black toenail or remove the hematoma and rebuild a new healthy looking nail. This product is great for men that have injured their toenail and wand to aesthetically fix them. The all new Cover Pink Modelling + for him can also cover other undesired discoloration of the nail. It’s color suits many skin types but was designed for a caucasian male. Recent leaked information has led me to believe that they are working on a deeper beige for darker skin tones.


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