The Curse of the Tutankhamun Curse of the Pharaohs King Tuts
#Tutankhamun #curse #Pharaohs #KingTut • In year 1922 a British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter together with his crew took part of a world famous discovery. • Howard Carter was employed to Lord Carnarvon , who is eager in excavations and archaeological findings. • With continuous interruption of world war 1, Lord Carnarvon was dissatisfied and wanted to discover something significant. • As a result Howard Carter was assigned with his crew to dig in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. • In November 1922, a young water boy in the excavations site, accidentally stumbled on a stone that turned out. • When the stone dug out Carter found a doorway, a doorway stamped with indistinct cartouches. • Carter immidiately send a telegram to Carnarvon about his finding. Carnarvon arrived the Valley of the Kings immediately with his daughter to witness the historical event. • On 26th November 1922 with the presence of Carnarvon, His daughter, crew members including news reporters and photographers, Carter made a tiny breach in the top left-hand corner of the doorway. • Carter, Carnarvon and everybody else were fascinated with the finding of Tutankhamun's burial chamber with the treasure of over 5,000 artifacts made out of gold and ebony. • But then the most terrifying, eerie story started. • Young King Tutankhamun • 1342 to 1325 BC ,During the New Kingdom of Egyptian history, Tutankhamun was the last of his royal family to rule the end of the 18th dynasty. • Tutankhamun took the throne at eight or nine years of age succeeding his grandfather-in-law, Ay. • Tutankhamun restored the Ancient Egyptian religion after its dissolution by his father. • and he moved his father's remains to the Valley of the Kings as well as moving the capitol from Akhetaten to Thebes. • He was physically disabled with a deformity of his left foot along with bone necrosis that required the use of a cane, also he had other health issues including scoliosis and had contracted several strains of malaria. • Young king Tutankhamun died in 1325 BC at the age of 18 or 19. • There are no surviving records of the circumstances of Tutankhamun's death. it has been the subject of considerable debate and major studies. • Murder by a blow to the head was theorized as a result of the 1968 x-ray which showed two bone fragments inside the skull. • Curse of the Pharaohs • • Upon the opening of Young king's tomb, involved crew had to face tragic incidents including even deaths. • Some report shows by 1924, about two dozen of fellow excavators died in numerous reasons. • Deaths popularly attributed to Tutankhamun's curse • 1. GEORGE HERBERT, 5TH EARL OF CARNARVON • 2. SIR BRUCE INGHAM • 3. GEORGE JAY GOULD • 4. AUBREY HERBERT • 5. HUGH EVELYN-WHITE • 6. AARON EMBER • 7. RICHARD BETHELL • 8. SIR ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS REID • 9. JAMES HENRY BREASTED • 10. A. C. MACE, • Many authors and documentaries have argued that the curse is 'real' in the sense of having scientifically explicable causes such as bacteria or radiation. • Tutankhamun's death marked the end of the royal line of the 18th dynasty and he was buried in a tomb that was unusually small considering his status. • His fame is primarily the result of his well-preserved tomb and the global exhibitions of his associated artifacts. • Full tomb collection of King Tutankhamun is planned to exhibit in Grand Egyptian Museum in first quarter of 2020 after traveled over most of major cities across the world. • • Follow us in Youtube for more important videos: • Follow us in facebook for more important and interesting content: / vauxhallstreet • Follow us in twitter for more important and interesting content: / vauxhallstreet • Follow us in blogspot for more important and interesting content: