Bodyweight Workout Strength amp Mobility


Try implementing this Bodyweight Circuit into your next workout to gain total body strength and increase your mobility! • MOVEMENT 1. • Leg Sweep Push Up to Step Through (4-6 Reps) • Start in a Mountain Climber position (bring your right foot up to your right hand, straight spine, actively pushing your hand against your foot, and your knee near your armpit). Inhale and slowly start to lower yourself as you would doing a Push Up, but start to straighten your bent leg out at the same time, sliding it all the way back, maintaining contact with your big toe and the floor the entire time. By the time your foot reaches the opposite leg behind you, you should have reached your lowest position of your Push Up. On your next exhale, engage your core and scaps, and shoulders drawn down and back (no dipping in your spine!), push yourself up, and at the same time, bring the opposite leg up into a Mountain Climber. Lift and bring the back leg through so that it is lengthened out in front of you (Stepping Through), and draw the opposite arm back in line with your chest. Your hip should be in line with your stabilising arm (no further!) creating an ‘L’ shape with your body. Do not collapse in this position, keep your chest proud, arm locked out, and stay tall through the spine. • MOVEMENT 2. • Stay Low Cossack to Stand (8-10 Reps) • Standing in a wide stance, inhale and start to move your weight onto one side/leg and squat down as far as you can, preferable an inch or so above the floor (or deeper than a lateral lunge), keeping the opposite leg as straight as possible, allowing your foot to come off the floor so that you are on your heel. Your right bent leg should be in line with your right hip (knee stacked above foot). Try to stay as tall through the spine as possible, counteracting your weight by holding both arms out in front of you. Engage your core and glutes, and on your next exhale, push through the heel of the foot (of the bent knee) and lift your body slightly to move your weight over to the other side (try to stay as low as your mobility allows). Once you have shifted your weight onto the opposite leg, push through the glutes and come to standing. Lower yourself back down on the same side you came up, and shift your weight and repeat on the other side. • MOVEMENT 3. • Floor Scorpion to Shinbox Twist (6 Reps) • Start by laying on your front with your arms out to either side, bend one knee and kick the foot up towards the ceiling. Take it over the opposite leg until the toe taps the floor, right next to the hamstring of the other leg. Twist your torso and reach in the opposite direction with the arm, whilst actively pushing the bent knee outwards. Breathe deeply, and then push yourself up to sitting, drop both knees to the same side for a Shinbox (front foot in line with opposite knee). Continue to twist in the same direction, reaching and curving both arms around your body. After one deep breath, lift yourself back up to seated position with your front leg still bent with your opposite leg straightened. Lift the bent leg up, rotate and lower your torso over your straightened leg, back into a Floor Scorpion (chest on the floor). Repeat on the opposite side. • [3 ROUNDS, 90 SECONDS REST IN BETWEEN ROUNDS] • -- • For more Mobility Bodyweight Circuits, head over to my IG pages for • DAILY CONTENT: •   / steph.rose.phase6   •   / phase6fitness   • -- • Head over to our Phase SiX webpage for Bodyweight Kettlebell Online Programs: • • Thanks for watching! :)


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