Medieval Castilian pronunciation


An approximation to 13th century medieval Castilian pronunciation. I read the first two 'tiradas' from the 'Poema de Mio Cid'. • Una aproximación a la pronunciación del castellano medieval del siglo 13, a través de la lectura de las primeras dos tiradas del 'Poema de Mio Cid'. • Un'aprossimazione alla pronuncia del castigliano medievale del tredicesimo secolo, attraverso la lettura del 'Poema de Mio Cid'. • • Some notes about my rendition: my rendition is not 100% accurate when it comes to the pronunciation of what is believed to be the pronunciation of Castilian back then. Specifically: my 's' sounds (both voiced and voiceless) are laminal, not apical (pronounced like Rioplatense unaspirated 's', not like Madrid 's'); my voiceless affricates ('ts' sounds) are pronounced like a dental 't' plus a laminal 's', instead of being fully alveolar (alveolar 't' plus apical 's'). I do manage to pronounce the voiced affricate ('dz' sound) in a fully alveolar fashion. For another (admittedly better) reading, check out the video 'Cantar de Mio Cid en castellano antiguo', which you can find to the right under 'Suggestions'. For the text of what I read, check out the comments to this video. It's taken from Colin Smith's 1993 edition. • • More information:


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