Funghi champignon trifolati facili in padella Foodvlogger


Self you want a side dish easy is rapid, that Yes can he do all the year, prepared the mushrooms champignon in cooking pan, recipe delicious, very very simple is much tasty. THE mushrooms sautéed Yes match very well to recipes of meat is recipes of fish, I'm excellent how dish single accompanied with a bit' of bread is they go very well for stuff the your sandwiches. subscribe to the channel (free obviously) for see every day 1 new video (is often also 2 to the day!): follow there recipe on the my blog of kitchen: • INGREDIENTS FOR 4 PEOPLE • 400 g of mushrooms champignon • salt up to taste • 5-6 spoons of oil ages • 3 cloves of garlic large • 1 tuft of parsley fresh • Self buy the mushrooms champignon cut yourself, rinse them quickly under water current cold, do them drain off is then dry them well in a tea towel. Self instead used the mushrooms champignon integers, peel them, remove the topsoil with the pocket knife, clean them dabbing them with a cloth humid is then cut them to slices (not wash them). A time cut yourself the mushrooms, put them on in a container capacious, conditel icon the oil is jumbled up well, doing in way that the oil come to contact with all there surface of all the mushrooms. Now crushed the spicchietti of garlic in shirt, join them ai mushrooms is jumbled up. Switch on there flame under a cooking pan anti-adherent is do it warm up well for some minute. When there cooking pan Sara hot, transferred inside of the champignon seasoned is stirring frequently you do cook to flame high for 6-7 minutes fin when they will be beautiful gilded (almost singed). Self you want to avoid of break them mix them gently or do them jump in cooking pan. When the mushrooms champignon they will be gilded turn off there flame, salty, add the parsley chopped, jumbled up, close with the cover is leave rest (they will cook also inside) for others 5-6 minutes. Not add water, me I recommend. Past 5-6 minutes, served the champignon removing the spicchietti of garlic or put them on in a container is keep them from part. You do this wonderful recipe is make me know thing neither think. Me I recommend, self there recipe is of your satisfaction, share it is leave a like. I for the moment you greeting is before of leave you neither I take advantage for wish you good appetite! • Daily Beetle of Kevin MacLeod is a song authorized from Creative Commons Attribution ( • Source: • Artist: • Blog: • BECOMES MY FRIEND! • All the my video: • subscribe to the channel (free obviously): • follow me on social: Facebook: • Instagram: • Twitter: • Pinterest: • Google+: • subscribe to the channel (free obviously):


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