LENTOURLOOP Rototom Show 2023 Official Live

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=JYVBVjqD8W0

L'Entourloop Live 2023 β€ͺ@rototom‬ πŸ”₯ • 🎟️ L'Entourloop en concert à L’Olympia - Paris le samedi 16 novembre 2024 πŸ‘‰https://billetterie.seetickets.fr/l-e... • 🚌 L'Entourloop On Tour πŸ‘‰ https://linktr.ee/lentourloop • πŸ›Ž SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE : http://bit.ly/LEntourloopYouTubeChannel • ♦︎ L'Entourloop Discography / Merchandising available β˜› https://www.xrayproduction.com/catego... • ✍🏽 Sign up for updates from L’Entourloop β˜› http://bit.ly/LEntourloopNews • With : • Troy Berkley • N'Zeng • BlabberMouf • Queen Omega • Skarra Mucci • Las Ninyas Del Corro • Shot by Rototom πŸ™πŸ½ • Filmed by Amaltea Audiovisuales SL. • Produced by Rototom SL. • πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Depuis 1964, année où le titre « My Boy Lollipop » a inondé les ondes des stations radio européennes, l’amour des membres de L’Entourloop pour le Reggae et sa culture n’a cessé de grandir. C’est aux légendaires pionniers de cet incroyable mouvement tels que Tom Wong, Count Machuki, Prince Buster ou Lee « Scratch » Perry, que L’Entourloop a souhaité rendre hommage avec ce 3ème album. Un album sous forme de déclaration d’amour à la culture soundsystem et ses enfants que sont le Reggae, le Dancehall et le Hip Hop. • Le succès de leurs précédents albums ont très vite propulsé L’Entourloop sur le devant de la scène. Le mystérieux collectif, qui cumule des centaines de millions d’écoutes sur les plateformes, ne cesse de réunir une audience toujours plus grande à travers le monde. • Une autre caractéristique marquante de L’Entourloop, c’est aussi la grande faculté de King James et Sir Johnny à bien s’entourer. Que ce soit avec Skarra Mucci et leur désormais classique « Dreader Than Dread » , Capleton pour l’extravagant remix de « Burn Dem Down », Panda Dub qu’ils ont invité sur « Le Bonheur », ou encore Biga*Ranx pour leur tube « Push The Limits », L’Entourloop a le don de donner naissance à des collaborations qui marquent les esprits. • πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Produced in their now legendary Bandulu Studio, the 20 tracks of this new album are the result of a patient production process, carried out with care and passion. Throughout the album, L'Entourloop testifies in its own way via a puzzle of film samples, of this strange period that we have just gone through collectively, using all its savoir faire when it comes to make the people dance. • Since 1964, when the song My Boy Lollipop flooded the European radio airwaves, L'Entourloop’s love for reggae and its culture has never stopped growing. With this third album, they wanted to pay tribute to the legendary pioneers of this incredible movement – artists and producers such as Tom Wong, Count Machuki, Prince Buster and Lee Scratch Perry. An album which is a true declaration of love for soundsystem culture and its children - reggae, dancehall and hip-hop. • The success of their previous albums Chickens in Your Town (2015) and Le Savoir Faire (2017), with their famous Banging Hip-Hop Inna Yardie Style quickly brought L’Entourloop into the spotlight, along with their hundreds of shows performed all over Europe. The mysterious collective continues to bring together an ever-growing audience around the world, as proved by their hundreds of millions of plays on music platforms. • With no less than 32 guests from all over the world, MCs fling lyrics like guns like in a western movie and the new album is no exception! • On the reggae side, Jamaican legends such as Ken Boothe and Bounty Killer meet new generation stars such as Alborosie, Kabaka Pyramid, Queen Omega and Marcus Gad. On the hip-hop side Chali 2Na from legendary US group Jurassic 5, Swedish MC Promoe from Looptroop Rockers, US rapper Rêverie, the excellent JuJu Rogers, French beatmaker Degiheugi and the irresistible South African female rapper Dope St Jude all make appearances. • The UK vibe can also be felt with features from jungle and dancehall pioneers General Levy and Tippa Irie as well as heavyweights of the grime scene Flowdan, Lady Chann and Killa P. Fellow French artists are also in the spotlight with guests such as Big Red, O.B.F and Manudigital. • To complete this amazing cast, L'Entourloop has once again called on the incomparable Troy Berkley from Bermuda and the talented trumpeter N'Zeng, formerly of Le Peuple de l'Herbe, to accompany the collective on the road alongwith a new addition - excellent Dutch rapper BlabberMouf, who has just joined the killer new live show. • ♦︎ L'Entourloop La clarté dans la confusion new album (VINYL) πŸ‘‰ https://www.xrayproduction.com/collec... • ♦︎ L'Entourloop La clarté dans la confusion new album (CD) πŸ‘‰ https://www.xrayproduction.com/collec... • Follow L'ENTOURLOOP : • β˜› Website : https://www.lentourloop.com/ • β˜› Facebook : http://bit.ly/FacebookLentourloop • β˜› Instagram : http://bit.ly/InstagramLEntourloop • #LEntourloop #Rototom #Live


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