PROTO Tools Screwdriver Safety Made in the USA
Screw drives are designed for losing and tightening screws are often used as makeshift pry bars and chisels on the job. Using a screwdriver incorrectly can get you hurt. Screwdrivers are designed to take a twisting force, while pry bars are designed the take a bending force. Also, be careful when using screwdrivers around electricity. Just because a screwdriver has a rubber handle don't assume it is insulated. Most cushions or rubber handles on screwdrivers are just for comfort; any insulated screwdriver will be marked. • PROTO offers a number of insulated tools including screwdrivers and pliers through the PROTO VSE series. PROTO VSE series insulated tools have been designed to keep you safer with two layers of insulation. • PROTO tools are engineered and manufactured in the USA. • Screwdrivers Hex Keys: • • Sign up for hand tool safety seminars by PROTO: •