Charlie Showing Retractions amp Tachypnea
I wish I had taken a video for the purpose of showing retractions, but all I have is a video of us playing where they happen to be visible. This video shows Charlie Pre-Repair he had a complex congenital heart defect called AV-Canal or AVSD. You can easily see his subcostal retractions. The subcostal retractions are the ones that outline the bottom of his ribcage. He also has suprasternal retractions which you can see occasionally when he tips his head up. Suprasternal retractions use the neck muscles and you can see the notch at the base of his throat suck in when he breathes. He also had intercostal retractions at times, but I didn't see any in this video. Intercostal retractions show the outline of the ribs. • Pre-repair Charlie routinely had respirations of up to 80 per minute and in the evenings would go as high as 95. This was expected with his type of defect, so we just worked around it. If your child shows these types of symptoms and a medical doctor has not specifically said that your child was OK despite them, seek medical attention immediately. • In Charlie's case these were a symptom of heart failure. They can also be a symptom of respiratory distress or other issues. His respirations were around 75/min in this video. • The orange and white device attached to his diaper is the snuza go! It is a movement monitor designed to sound an alarm if the baby stops breathing for 20 seconds. It has been well worth having as it gives me peace if mind. • • This other YouTube video also shows suprasternal retractions and nasal flaring due to RSV • Video