Missing Flight MH370 Piloted Trajectory 13 CAPTIO
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MH370 disappeared on March 8th, 2014. If the search for its wreck is unsuccessful, an alternative search area based on a plausible piloted trajectory deduced from the available Inmarsat data: http://www.mh370-captio.net. Please find below the Video guidelines: • The 60 pages document on a MH370 plausible trajectory (http://mh370-captio.net/wp-content/up...) was not targeting mass medias, nor was the video illustrating the document. In its 5 minutes duration, there is so much information packed in this video that it deserves several replays. It is recommended to play it in real time first followed by several replays with freezes at the significant points. • The trajectory is divided in 3 parts. This is indicated on the upper left part of the screen. • • Part 1 from ATC, Pilot and ACARS data • • Part 2 from reconstructed radar data • • Part 3 from Inmarsat satellite data • Part 3, as well as the last leg of the flight, have been deduced and flown with a flight simulator software using the aircraft LNAV capability i.e. by selecting pre-defined waypoints and altitudes in the aircraft navigation database then letting the navigation system optimise the speed vector along the trajectory • The borders of the seven FIR (Flight Information Regions with their names in black) are in orange. • Airways N571, P574, P627 and P756 are in violet, large enough to draw the attention and to show that the aircraft safely crossed them in between their authorized flight level in order to avoid collision with any potential traffic. Airway B466 is displayed in yellow, which was safely crossed above its maximum authorized level. • The 5 letters names of the waypoints are in bold white and since they are officially registered navigation points, their precise location is thus not displayed. • The limit of the Penang radar coverage is a light blue arc and the last known radar spot is at the intersection of this arc and airway N571. The aircraft flew at much as possible away from radar coverage. • The shadow of the aircraft, even if it was local nighttime, provides a sense of altitude. • The timeline at the bottom helps to understand the main events or provided data. • ACARS and IAS (Indicated Air Speed) acronyms understanding needs a minimum of technical knowledge as well as INMARSAT handshakes. • When the main electrical power was voluntarily switched off at 01h21, the aircraft became “invisible” to the controller and the Satellite Communications System was subsequently disabled. When the power was switched back on around 02h23, the Satellite Communications System reconnected by itself and received periodic connection status verifications every hour or so illustrated by the traveling white and green waves. These so-called handshakes provide information thanks to two sets of Satellite Communications mandatory recorded measurements: BTO (Burst Time Offset on Time) and BFO (Burst Frequency Offset on Frequency). At the time stamp of each of the 7 handshakes along the piloted trajectory, BTO and BFO were estimated. They match the corresponding original INMARSAT published values. This is why our trajectory is plausible • Cherry on the cake, on the upper right hand side, the fuel pump indicates the remaining air-fuel left in the aircraft tanks based on recognized-models’ computation. When the fuel is exhausted, the fumes behind the aircraft stop. • The end of the flight was most certainly an attempted ditching with an unsuccessful sea landing leading to a crash at relatively low speed. • More details on the MH370 Debris Drift Analysis by CAPTIO at • Missing Flight MH370: Debris drift an... • Follow us on Twitter: • / mh370_captio • Find us on Facebook: • / mh370-captio-566007380402859