Multinational Corporations MNCs Nature Features Merits and Demerits
Dear learners, • A multinational corporation (MNC) has facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home country. Such companies have offices and/or factories in different countries and usually have a centralized head office where they coordinate global management. • In this video we have explained the term MNC or multinational company or multinational corporation, we also explained its nature features merits and demerits, arguments in favor of multinational companies and arguments against multinational companies. we also explained the Multinational companies in India. • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • For downloading notes in PDF format please visit my Blog • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • For more videos of OB in English visit this link • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • For more videos of OB in Hindi visit this link • • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Please go through the video and don't forget to share your views and subscribe the channel to keep the content open and reachable to students. • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Keep on watching, keep on learning! • #DynamicStudy • Our aim is to make free content for each and every student in our society, so if you want to support this cause you can do it in two ways • 1. Make free content, your content will be published to our youtube • channel after review. • 2. Donate a bit of amount to Paytm 8299551444 for this noble cause. • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: OCTAPACE - Detailed Explanation in Hindi • • OCTAPACE - Detailed Explanation in Hindi • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~