How to Use the Auto EF Function on the Mindray MX7 Ultrasound Machine
I'm a registered cardiac sonographer and I've been doing this for four years. Today we'll be using the Mindray MX7 and we're going to use the P4-2s probe to show you how to use the Auto EF feature. First, you'll pick your image, double click it and go to measure. Click Auto EF and once it's ready we will see diastole and socially and make sure that it shows the right spots. You can move any of this if you'd like to make it bigger or smaller. You can highlight just one dot or multiple dots and move it around and you can also see at the bottom it'll show you your ejection fraction so it can help you be a little more accurate. If you like this content please like and subscribe to see more of this in the future. Check out our website for more information on the New Mindray MX7 -