Retroactive Jealousy Cure How To Cure Retroactive Jealousy OCD StepbyStep


Jealous of your partner's past? - This WILL Help! • Join My ULTIMATE Retroactive Jealousy MasterCourse with FREE 90 Days Email Coaching • ➡ 90% OFF LIMITED TIME • Sign Up for Retroactive Jealousy 1-on-1 Coaching/Support with ME! • ➡ SPOTS OPEN NOW • To Enroll in my Retroactive Jealousy Courses Individually Click Below • ➡ • If you are jealous of your partner's past... please take the time to watch this video. I am going to share with you some cold hard facts that you may not WANT to hear but what you NEED to hear! • DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDS ON RJ AND RELATIONSHIPS! 📹💻 • #retroactivejealousy #retroactivejealousyocd #relationships #jealousyinrelationships • Let me ask you something are you jealous of your partner's past like you can't stop thinking about it like it's all you ever think about i'm gonna be straight up with you probably tell you some things that you don't want to hear but you really need to hear so if you aren't ready for some tough love click the back button on your browser but if you're ready and think you can handle it stick around welcome back to another video for those of you new to my channel my name is matt and in this video we're going to be discussing being jealous of your partner's past and how to really get over it once and for all uh now there is a name for being jealous over your partner's past and it's called retroactive jealousy and this is actually a condition that a lot of people suffer from so you're not alone in that sense so don't feel like you are a lot of people suffer there's not a ton of information out there on it unfortunately but there are a few of us out there that are trying to spread the word and help people out so um again for those of you new to the channel I have about 30 or 40 videos on this subject so after you're done with this and you still want some more information please feel free to check them out so let's dive right into this okay uh retroactive jealousy means you are having intrusive unwanted thoughts of your partner's past and this could be past sexual history past relationships past anything really but usually it has to do you know around sex love relationships and you know things of that nature um for some it's extremely severe my mine was when I suffered from it I had it for more than 13 years and it was all I ever thought about all i ever thought about i'd play movies in my head trying to piece together the scenarios you know i'd think about the same stuff over and over and over again and try to rationalize it and all I wanted to do was you know ask questions and figure things out and uh go on social media and i'll you know try to find the answers to to to calm some of that pain and and here's the thing firstly none of that stuff works um and secondly there is a cure so this isn't forever uh don't worry about that in the least bit and the thing of it is though retroactive jealousy and this type of relationship jealousy can be somewhat complex I mean there's several factors of retro jealousy there's like the ocd factor where you know you just can't think about it you think about it over and over again and there's ways to help with that and um i'll put a link um above with with another video to kind of help with that because this video is going to explore this on a deeper level so I understand if you know that's your problem as you're having these obsessive thoughts and so you know you want to get rid of that as soon as possible but since you've gotten this far in this video I would watch the rest of this one now and if you still need a little bit more information on the obsessive thoughts part again i'll link up above but i'll also link the actual playlist to everything at the end of this video so that can take you to more videos on the subject so if you here we go um if you are really plagued by thoughts of your partner's past um you need to know that it is completely internal it has nothing to do with external circumstances as much as you don't want to agree with that i get it but you know so if you think things like oh I should date a virgin you know it wouldn't be a problem it would become a problem okay it would and you might say well how how would it be a problem you know all I think about is my partner having sex with someone else from their past so if they were virgin i would never think about that anymore and i'd be cured but here's the.....


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