Field Dress a Deer in the Field in Minutes Whitetail Doe
Want to know how to field dress a deer fast? Here is the video for you! • HOW TO FIELD DRESS A DEER IN MINUTES! 💪🏼 • / @looknorthdesigns • ▪️ • In this how to video we have our father-in-law, Kenny, walk you through how he guts and field dresses a deer in just a few minutes. • ▪️ • PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS IS GRAPHIC! • ▪️ • There are many schools of thoughts on how to go about doing these things but this method works for all animals and has been quick and effective for us in cleaning our animals after the harvest. • When hunting, it can be crucial to have an effective gutting and field dressing method for any animal you harvest. Sometimes due to other predators, the bugs in the area, or even the heat of the day to jeopardize the spoiling of the meat. So check out this video on how to field dress a deer in minutes while in the field, • quickly to make sure you are safe and the meat stays fresh! • ▪️ • Again like we said, great method in how to field dress any animal in the field. Quick, easy and a clean method to keep your meat in good shape to pick out! • ▪️ • This doe is from A.J.’s harvest early this December. Kenny takes his time in making sure he clearly communicates how to go through each step to help you in your next gutting adventure! • #fielddressadeer #processadeerinthefield #howtogutadeer #gutananimal #gutaanimal #guttinganimals #fielddressanimals #deergutting #howtogutanimals #howtogutdeerfast #bestwaytogutdeer #bestwaytogutanimals • Also visit us @ • / unbounded_pursuit • / unboundedpursuit • Email us at: [email protected] •