TC Electronic RH450 Tests pt 1Cabinets by Chris Willshire
FOLIO's Chris Willshire is an official Test Pilot for the new bass amp, the RH450, and cabinets, the RS210 and RS212, by TC Electronic. Watch and listen as he compares this new system with other bass amps and speakers. • Part 1--the RH450 with the TC Electronics RS210 and 212, w/ 2 JBL 18s, and with an Ampeg SVT 410-HE. • • Unfortunately, I didn't have ability to plug a good mic into my camcorder, so all I have • on this video is the built-in camera mic. I think this comparison still serves it purpose, but • the differences I describe were much more noticeable to my ear when I was playing than • what ultimately comes across on the video.. There were definitely some very noticeable differences though when comparing some of these models! • • • I also use a Sansamp RBI by Tech21 as part of my setup. It is connected pre-RH450, so it • sweetens and fattens the tone before sending it to the RH. However, for test purposes, I did not use it for this video. • • For more detailed notes -- • • • • Hopefully these notes will help when the differences aren't as obvious when watching this video.