Summoning 7 Different quotBuddiesquot at the Same Time
I seen people online summoning 4 buddies using the new Prismatic subclass, and I thought it was awesome. While driving today I was theorycrafting in my head a way to summon up to 7 sprites at once! • Void Soul, Arc Soul, Hellion, Bleak Watcher, Threadlings, Healing turret and time chasm • I had to swap between 3 different loadouts, use a rally flag, and pre charge the No Time To Explain pulse rifle while finding a clear patrol area to finish the sequence with the time chasm. It took an hour or so of perfecting, but I got it. Pretty useless to summon all at once, but I had to prove to myself it could be done! • I have other Destiny video, so you should like, check those out • Subscribe while you're at it. • #destiny2 #thefinalshape #destiny2build #prismaticsubclass #thewitness #buildcrafting #destiny2echoes #warlock #destinywarlock