The Coyolxauhqui Imperative 2020


(Best viewed 4K mobile device) • If you include any part of this description in your own writing/work, please cite this video as your source. Written by Liliana Conlisk Gallegos, 2020. Based on the writings of Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa • My job as an artist is to bear witness to what haunts us, to step back and attempt to see the pattern in these events (personal and societal), and how we can repair el daño (the damage) by using the imagination and its visions. -- Gloria Anzaldúa (The Coyolxauhqui Imperative, 2015) • The Coyolxauhqui Imperative 2020 is a journey into the Indigenous mestiza, activist, transfronteriza (transborder) consciousness. The immersive VR/short film introduces you into a world haunted by transgenerational and pluridimensional dialogues. Visually there is an interdimensional collage transgressing from 2D to 3D in a trialogue between i) pieces of my own analogue paintings and drawings, ii) my digital interventions on digitized excerpts from Mexican murals depicting Indigenous Mexico and the conquest of the Americas (contesting a patriarchal lens), and finally, iii) digitized pictographic excerpts taken from original pre-Columbian texts known as codices, reclaiming them from being previously glossed over and intervened by Spanish priests and interpreted by Eurocentric academics. It showcases a theoretical and metaphorical transhistorical discussion between and beyond the dichotomized understanding of “official” (coloniality) and resistant (decoloniality) representations of history and the mythopoetics of womanhood and belonging in the Americas, with Xicanx queer feminist political critique on the experience of the loss of life and children to violence, migration, and imposed reeducation programs parallel to losses experienced by mother Earth, and finally, my own cosmovision as a Xicanx artist from the Tijuana border; “uncivil” and unapologetic. In addition, there are multiple possible dialogues between the users and the piece itself depending on the relationship and previous knowledge the user has of epistemologies of the South. The ambiguity and sense of mystery and confusion experienced by “outsiders” reinforces the importance and value of understanding our experience as explained through Anzaldúas Coyolxauhqui imperative—the eternal process of healing from the alienation produced by the marginality produced by coloniality, acknowledge the wounds, embrace the fragmentation, and reconstruct the self by making due with what we have access to. Welcome you to our world! • Music courtesy of: • Juan Carlos Portillo •    / @etnochannel   •    / jcpalphachannel   • Cory McCormick •


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