The Witcher Series VS Books 7 Key Differences ⭐ OSSA
The Witcher TV series has made several major changes to the plot of Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher book series. • Especially where the points of view of the characters and timelines were concerned. So why Geralt of Rivia in the TV series happen to be in Cintra during its siege? How Yennefer’s past was actually described in the books? • What was the purpose of giving Ciri a companion during her journey? Did Geralt's poet friend Jaskier, aka Dandelion, ever visited Cintra? Let’s find out the differences between The Witcher books and The Witcher TV show adaptation. • The source stories are told from the point of view of Geralt of Rivia, and their narrative is not linear. The Netflix series went even further with this approach. • Producer Lauren Schmidt Hissrich decided that stories of the main Witcher characters deserve to be made more distinct. It allowed us to witness the fall of Cintra. Moreover, Geralt himself was present when it happened, though he failed to find Ciri on time. • In The Witcher saga Cirilla did not show any magical abilities at an early age. But in the TV show they helped her escape Cahir. As Ciri was on the run after the fall of Cintra, she met an elf Dara, who saved her life several times. • But this Witcher character wasn't present in the books! Just like the Battle of Sodden, of which we know only from conversations and outcomes, without the description of the events. And Triss Merigold also wasn’t mentioned in the first books. • But the biggest difference between The Witcher books and series is an insight into Yennefer’s past. In The Witcher novels, her backstory is hardly explained. • The series made a connection between Yennefer's desire for physical transformation and it’s cost. But was it true to the story in The Witcher books? Watch this video to find out! • ⭐OSSA is the best source for entertainment news about the celebrities we love. • ⭐Our YouTube channel dishes up celebrity news and gossip on the stars you admire the most. From popular TV hosts to Hollywood golden age actresses, from country music artists and the royal family members to western movies acting legends. • SUBSCRIBE to our channel to watch more amazing videos about celebs! • OSSA on twitter: / ossa_celebs • OSSA on facebook: / ossa-937878333055503