VisiFault™ Visual Fault Locator Cable Continuity Tester by Fluke Networks
In today's fast-paced workplace maximizing productivity is essential. Whether installing new fiber links or troubleshooting an existing network, the faster you can locate a problem, the faster you can fix it. To learn more visit: • That's easier said than done when you are faced with a complex network of fibers, connectors and patch cords. You can diagnose and repair simple fiber link problems with Fluke Networks' VisiFaultTM Visual Fault Locator (VFL). The laser-powered VisiFault Visual Fault Locator is a cable continuity tester that locates fibers, verifies cable continuity and polarity. This cable continuity tester helps find breaks in cables, connectors and splices. Continuous and flashing modes make for easier identification. Compatible with 2.5mm and 1.25mm connectors for easy connection. Ruggedly constructed for demanding field-testing. This visual fault locator has a long battery life for hours of use. • The VisiFault is a quick and affordable tool for fiber locating and elementary trouble shooting such as locating bends or breaks in the fiber. Today we’ll show you two examples of the VisiFault showing issues with the fiber. Our first example is with a single mode cable which appears to have a break in the fiber, as you can see the light escaping through the jacket. In our next example, we have a 50um fiber that is showing an example of fiber identification. If this fiber run was in a patch panel, the visible light would allow us to clearly identify the run.