Regent Hong Kong Signature Suites Launch Event


After months of anticipation, we are thrilled to unveil our Signature Suite Collection at the reimagined Regent Hong Kong, named the #1 Best Hong Kong Hotel by Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia Luxury Awards recently. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who joined us in celebrating this important milestone. The evening was truly memorable as we introduced our meticulously designed suites, promising an unforgettable stay defined by ultimate comfort and sophistication. • Guests had the pleasure of exploring our newly unveiled Signature Suites - three splendid residential sanctuaries boasting private terraces with mesmerizing views of Victoria Harbour. The unveiling showcased the luxurious Presidential Suite, featuring a private rooftop terrace and infinity swimming pool for an unparalleled escape; the serene Terrace Suite, a duplex retreat ideal for relaxation; and the spacious two-bedroom CEO Suite, perfect for family gatherings. Against the stunning backdrop of Victoria Harbour, the event exuded a magical aura that epitomized luxury living at Regent Hong Kong. • We express our gratitude to our friends and business partners whose presence made this event a resounding success. The completion of the Signature Suites and their grand reveal represent a significant milestone in our relentless pursuit to redefine excellence in the hospitality industry. We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in the pinnacle of opulence and indulgence that our Signature Suite Collection has to offer. Join us in experiencing a new standard of luxury at Regent Hong Kong. • 最近榮獲國際旅遊雜誌《Travel + Leisure》亞太區奢華大獎 -香港最佳酒店的香港麗晶酒店正式推出三間特色套房。當晚的揭幕活動向賓客們展示我們備受矚目的特色套房,這三間套房均配備私人戶外露台及按摩浴缸,飽覽維多利亞港和香港天際線璀璨絕倫的美景。豪華的複式總統套房配有私人頂樓露台和無邊際泳池,提供無與倫比的奢華之旅;雅緻的複式露台套房,於戶外頂樓露台盡覽香江美景,適合放鬆身心;寬敞的雙卧室行政總裁套房非常適合與家人一起入住。在維多利亞港壯麗的背景下,感受極致住宿體驗。 • 我們向所有與我們一同慶祝這揭幕活動的賓客們致以衷心感謝。這次特色套房的盛大揭幕代表著我們麗晶酒店不懈努力地追求卓越的一個重要里程碑。我們誠摯邀請您們一同體驗香港麗晶酒店的全新奢華標準。 • #RegentHK #RegentHotelsandResorts #SignatureSuites #PresidentialSuites #PersonalHaven #FramedViews #AweinspiringMoments #LuxuryHotel


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