What is UAT Board in Jira How is it created and managed

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1. Create a UAT Workflow: • Define a custom workflow in Jira that includes statuses relevant to UAT, such as Ready for UAT, In UAT, UAT Passed, and UAT Failed. Customize the workflow to match your organization's UAT process. • 2. Use Filters: • Create Jira filters to capture issues that are relevant to UAT. For example, you might create a filter that selects issues with a specific UAT status or issues assigned to a UAT version. • 3. Create a UAT Board: • Utilize Jira boards to visualize and manage UAT. You can create a Kanban board or a Scrum board, depending on the nature of your UAT process. Set up board columns that represent the various UAT statuses. • 4. Configure Board Filters: • Configure board filters to include only the issues relevant to UAT. Filters ensure that the board displays the right set of issues based on criteria such as status, assignee, and more. • Stay connected with me on: • Instagram:   / thebacornr_by_komal   • LinkedIn:   / komalagarwal102   • Youtube:    / @thekomalagarwal102  


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