Learn What Responsibilities Are Yours To Own Dr Henry Cloud
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Our biggest sale of the year is on right now! Go to https://boundaries.me to get discounts on workshops, annual subscriptions and more! • Confusing responsibilities can lead to destruction in your relationships, both for your life and the person you’re trying to help. Dr. Cloud talks about how and why we take on other people’s responsibilities, and how that limits both their control and our control and leads to chaos. There are times when we put ourselves in positions of responsibility over someone else’s behavior. When we do this we'll wind up feeling the consequences for their irresponsible behavior. That makes us responsible for someone else's consequences of their irresponsibility. Think of it as cosigning a loan, if they don't show up and do what they are supposed to, you're the one that pays. We often do it out of love, as an attempt to support someone. It happens all the time, but it’s a recipe for disaster. Make sure you are responsible for what you own and let others take responsibility for what they own.