ENG Open Source Conference 2012 Neelie Kroes on Open Source and Open Standards
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Open Source Conference 2012: Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the @EU_Commission responsible for the @DigitalAgendaEU on Open Source and Open Standards. • Moderator: Malcolm Herbert, Director Infrastructure Consulting Europe Red Hat. • Media Partner: DutchITChannel.nl • Video: Tony Thijs / Open Marketing Foundation • Presentations: www.opensourceconference.nl/presentations • Neelie Kroes:,, ICT is developing in a breathtaking pace, from the incredible smartphones to the opportunities of cloud computing. There are more innovative products and services out there. There are huge benefits of open source and open standards. When software is not based on open technologies, it is harder to let them work together , to modify and customize them and harder to change providers. In fact, the cost of closed ICT systems is estimated at several hundred million a year for the public sector alone.'' • No doubt that all the speakers on the OSC2012 agree with that. Red Hat presented proudly their new openkvm based virtualization platform, RHEV 3.1, that integrates Red Hat Storage in a new and innovative way, IBM embraced open source in a way never seen or heard before and Accenture emphasized how legacy systems are followed up by Linux systems. • #osc2012 • Founding sponsors: Red Hat, Accenture • Platinum partners: INTEL, IBM, Dell, Symantec • Gold partners: HP, ISAAC, Dupaco, EnterpriseDB, Trivento, VX Company, 10GEN, Acquia, Copaco, Ciber, Pentaho, Arrow • Silver partners: Comparex, LifeRay, Global Knowledge, Talend, Hybid IT • Open standards Partner: OASIS