24 hours of silence The End
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=K3P-0fFuUZY
The World Is Too Quiet And Moving Too Fast by Ira Mowen, video artist. • TEXT: • I know it's Groundhog Day (2020), but for me waking up was like Christmas. This week I'd already failed at exporting this video 5 times, yet for some reason, this morning, on my 6th and final attempt, it finally worked! I am more than proud to present my new: 24 hours of silence (The End) • This video is also my attempt to right the wrong I made with my original 24 hours of silence video. That original video, sadly only survived one year online. In an e-mail from Feb. 16, 2016, YouTube explained that the reason they removed the video was because The YouTube community flagged your video as inappropriate. • This news was not easy for me to hear. That video was my crowning achievement. The ultimate in video uploads. The final piece of my puzzle. For years I wondered what I did wrong. Why was that video, and not the other 185 videos of silence, singled out, and ultimately destroyed by the machine. • Luckily I recently figured it out. In anticipation of today, I dug up the original files on my 2015 hard drive and immediately realized my mistake. The video was only 23:59:59 long. • I hope you will accept today's video as my sincerest apology. All I ask is that you PLEASE BE KIND and resit any temptation you might have to flag this video. I get it. It is funny. But the people who decide if a video is inappropriate or not only spend 6 seconds thinking about it. [I got that fact from The Cleaners documentary.] • I thank you in advance for your kindness towards nothingness. • Happy Groundhog Day! • Silently, • Bob • P.S. There is an Easter egg this time around. Wait for it! :-) • #silent #nothingness #dot