Cheetah Translocation Project EAampAW38 Ms M Vilasini


Dive deep into various issues related to Cheetah Translocation Project with Ms. M. Vilasini, Faculty at Officers IAS Academy. • This video is essential for aspirants, legal enthusiasts, and anyone keen on staying informed about Environment and related issues. Don't miss out on this comprehensive analysis! • • Welcome to Officers IAS Academy's latest initiative, spearheaded by our Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Guna Mathivanan. • Each week from Monday to Thursday at 9 PM, we will provide in-depth editorial analyses of current affairs. Students are encouraged to submit their answers in the comment section below the videos before 12 PM the following day. At the end of the week, Mr Guna Mathivanan will personally select the best answers and discuss them in detail, highlighting key insights and strategies for improvement. • This initiative is designed to help you refine your writing style, develop a deeper understanding of complex issues, and align your responses with UPSC standards. Don't miss this chance to elevate your preparation and stand out in your journey towards becoming a successful civil servant. Subscribe now and start participating today! • • #IASPreparation #UPSC2024 #CurrentAffairs #UPSCStrategy #IASExam #CivilServicesExam #UPSCPreparation #OfficerIASAcademy


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