Japanese Tea Ceremony ENG HD

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Finally, the tea ceremony. Obviously, for many (myself included) understand every gesture and meaning of this ceremony is a hard task. Even the language used is particular (and I wasn't always able to understand the words and translate for you). I hope it can be interesting and that one day you will be able to attend a Japanese tea ceremony. :) • The Tea Ceremony is based on four basic principles: • Harmony (和, Wa) • Harmony is at the heart of much of Japanese thought. Societal harmony is prized in most Asian cultures, and is exemplified in the group consciousness which is at the core of Japanese life. In the tea ceremony, the host and guests always strive to work for a harmonious experience, and part of the study of tea is learning the necessary timing and nuances which bring host and guests together. • Respect (敬, Kei) • Respect is a primary virtue in Confucian thinking. Kei is demonstrated through following the etiquette of tea. In the tea ceremony, the intimacy between host and guests is shown indirectly: through the way the host chooses implements and makes tea, and the way the guests handle the implements and drink the tea. • Purity (清, Sei) • Purity is a primary virtue in Shintoism, the indigenous religion of Japan. The purity that is desired in tea is internal, but is discovered in external things, such as the hand-washing at the tsukubai, the purification by the host of all the implements (done in the view of the guests), and in not putting the sugar in the tea, but consuming tea and kashi separately. • Tranquility (寂, Jaku) • Tranquility, to the student of tea, does not simply mean relaxed or peaceful. It refers more to the sense of calm one finds in things being natural, rather than that which is showy or ostentateous. In tea, jaku can be found both in the choice of implements and in the studied yet natural movements that together promote harmony, reverence, and purity. • Source: Wikipedia • ♣ Iscriviti per vedere altre VIDEO RICETTE! Il mio canale Youtube: http://goo.gl/a3iuUX • ♣ Subscribe for more VIDEO RECIPES! My YouTube channel: http://goo.gl/a3iuUX • ♣ Facebook: https://bit.ly/2y77vMF • ♣ Instagram @cuddlingfood: https://bit.ly/2y8IH77 • ♣ Blog: http://goo.gl/c6SFCU • ♣ KONBINI WORLD! TEST DIRETTI SUI PRODOTTI GIAPPONESI E COREANI: http://goo.gl/csTCrC • ♣ KONBINI WORLD! DIRECT TEST ON JAPANESE AND KOREAN PRODUCTS: http://goo.gl/csTCrC • ♣ RICETTE BASE / BASE RECIPES: http://goo.gl/thUU7w • ♣ PANE PIZZA / BREAD PIZZA: http://goo.gl/HUOHFh • ♣ SECONDI PIATTI / MEAT FISH DISHES: http://goo.gl/gguumL • ♣ PRIMI PIATTI / FIRST COURSES: http://goo.gl/KeFNC4 • ♣ DOLCI / DESSERT: http://goo.gl/7NYOYA • ♣ VIVERE IN GIAPPONE? CIBO GIAPPONESE? Clicca sul link: http://goo.gl/9WzRwc • ♣ LIVING IN JAPAN? JAPANESE FOOD? Click on the link: http://goo.gl/9WzRwc • ♣ VIVERE IN COREA? CIBO COREANO? Clicca sul link: http://goo.gl/KsW1w7 • ♣ LIVING IN SOUTH KOREA? KOREAN FOOD? Click on the link: http://goo.gl/KsW1w7


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