MSE found VirToolWin32ObfuscatorXZHow to remove this Trojan virus
MSE found virtool.win32/obfuscator.XZ but couldn't get rid of it? • How do I get rid of this virus? • VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator.XZ is a detection for a program that has had its purpose obfuscated. Commonly, VirTool:Win32/Obfuscators employ a combination of • methods including encryption, compression, anti-debugging and anti-emulation techniques. • Occasionally, malware is obfuscated with a tool that uses a compromised license. Non-malicious programs that use the compromised license may also be • detected. In these cases you should contact support at the company that provides the non-malicious program and ask if there is a version that does not • use the compromised license. • virtool win32 obfuscator are detections for programs that have had their purpose obfuscated, often to hinder analysis or detection by antivirus scanners. They commonly employ a combination of methods including encryption, compression, anti-debugging and anti-emulation techniques. • These obfuscation techniques are used on various kinds of malware. The malware that lies underneath may have virtually any purpose. Hence, there are no obvious symptoms that indicate the presence of this malware on a computer. • More help at: