Chunky quotTastes Thickererquot Commercial 1980
Here's a commercial for Chunky - the candy bar - in four delicious varieties: Chunky Original, Chunky Pecan, Solid Milk Chocolate Chunky, and another one in a white wrapper I can't make out. • (C) Ward-Johnston Inc., 1977 • This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, February 4th 1980. (1977 Copyright) • • About The Museum of Classic Chicago Television: • The Museum of Classic Chicago Television's primary mission is the preservation and display of off-air, early home videotape recordings (70s and early 80s, primarily) recorded off of any and all Chicago TV channels (or other cities occasionally); footage which would likely be lost if not sought out and preserved digitally. Even though (mostly) short clips are displayed here, we preserve the entire broadcasts in our archives - the complete programs with breaks (or however much is present on the tape), for historical preservation. For information on how to help in our mission, to donate or lend tapes to be converted to DVD, and to view more of the 4,700+ (and counting) video clips available for viewing in our online archive, please visit us at: •