Dont Look Up Credits scene


The newest talk of the town this holiday season is Netflix’s latest crank comedy that is both mind blowing and hilarious. But if you ask me, one thing that I initially noticed from the poster itself is: STAR STUDDED. From multi-awarded goddess Meryl Streep, paired with American comedian Jonah Hill, America’s glamorous and most influential actress Jennifer Lawrence, to blockbuster king Leonardo DiCarpio, millennial diva Ariana Grande, award-winning heartthrob Timothée Chalamet, and the ever graceful Cate Blanchett… really, there isn’t one word to describe how magnificently beautiful the whole movie is! • I know you might be thinking this is an over the top description, but if you haven’t watched the film yet, then I don’t see any reason for you not to. Don’t Look Up did not disappoint. From a movie that used huge money for huge artists, it is acceptable to expect too much, and boy did Netflix give us too much! • Don’t Look Up just has everything you’d expect from a Netflix star-laden film (and a humongous budget, at that): the creativity, the scenic frames that are too pretty for your screen’s wallpaper, the well-put comedy, the long hours of emotional roller-coaster (2 hours and almost a half, to be exact), and the political satire that wraps up the whole message of the film. Adam McKay sure knew what he was doing. • The film is a glorious combination of a plethora of things weaved altogether in a hilarious, fun way: from human stubbornness, skewering media, gratefulness and greed, and a smug nod of biting political satire through an attention-deficit president playing as puppet for her “business-minded” out-of-this-world-rich friend. Though intended to be a comedic metaphor for climate change, Don’t Look Up successfully incorporated our apparent problem with denying a solvable crisis. In one phrase, here’s how I can sum it up: It feels so close to home. • “Don’t Look Up,” in other words, has a lot to do. To bring about those goals, McKay wanted to take away the “guaranteed happy ending” that filmgoers have grown used to, and “break that traditional three-act Hollywood thing that we know so well. There could be something powerful about just not having that,” he said. So, that ending was debated whether to be satisfying or not. We all love a happy ending for our beloved main characters, but did they get it? That ending was possibly not what everybody wants, but the question is, was there a possibly better ending? Was the movie only supposed to send us the message that the world is ending either way, and we’ve got to act sooner? Well, let’s break that one hell of an ending up in today’s video. But before that, watch out for some major spoilers, and if you haven’t yet, make sure to hit that subscribe button and smash that notification bell for more updates on this. Now, let’s look it up! • While there is a solution that will save the planet—sending a nuke at the asteroid to knock it off course—the President calls the mission off. • Does the comet collide with Earth? • Comet Dibiasky collides with Earth despite the efforts of the Just Look Up campaign to push world leaders into combating the apocalyptic disaster. However, the efforts of tech giant BASH to split up the comet. • The majority of lead characters including Dr. Randall Mindy, Kate Dibiasky, Dr. Teddy Oglethrope, Yule, and others are all killed when the comet hits Earth. The only survivor shown on Earth is the President’s son and Chief of Staff, Jason Orlean. Meanwhile, President Orlean herself is eaten and killed by an alien creature named a Bronteroc when the mega-rich survivors land. • The fate of the remaining super-rich survivors as they are naked and surrounded by Bronterocs does not look good but we don’t see the deaths of tech billionaire and BASH CEO Peter Isherwell or the others. • When Randall Mindy becomes an international celebrity. • At the dinner table, the Mindys and their chosen family are trying to make their last meal meaningful, as composer Nicholas Britell’s score kicks in. • “I’m grateful we tried,” Kate says. “Man oh man, did we try,” Teddy echoes. • In a speech at dinner, DiCaprio’s character Dr. Randall Mindy tells his family, Kate Dibiasky, Yule, and Teddy, “The thing is we really… we really did have everything, didn’t we? I mean, if you think about it.” McKay said that the line was improvised. • What is the meaning behind Don’t Look Up? • McKay, who wrote and directed the Netflix film. • Although Don't Look Up divided the critics on its heavy-handed climate change metaphor. • The post-credits scene shows Jason Orlean. • That’s all for today, we hope you enjoyed that video and if you did, don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button and smash that notification bell for more episodes. • Related videos: • The Ending Of DON’T LOOK UP Explained •    • The Ending Of DON’T LOOK UP Explained   • Don't Look Up Post Credit Scene Explained Breakdown •    • Don't Look Up Post Credit Scene Expla...   • #dontlookup #dontlookupending #leonardodicaprio


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