How I got into Princeton University REGULAR ACTION ACT GPA Extracurriculars and Advice


A quick look into my application to #Princeton that got me accepted as a prospective engineering (B.S.E.) applicant and ballet dancer. Thanks for watching, and best of luck to everyone! Here are a couple more random bits of advice: • I know college applications are stressful, and there are a lot of factors you can't control- but there are things that you CAN control. If it's not too late in your high school career, think about what these things could be for you. • If you're in the middle of the college process, don't let college consume your life. Take a step back and breathe. No matter the outcome, you will find ways to adapt and overcome. So I mean it when I say this: everything will be alright in the end. • There is no magic score that will guarantee anything. Every school is different in the way they evaluate their applicants. An acceptance from one school does not automatically you will be able to get into lower-ranked schools. I was rejected from Columbia, UPenn, MIT, Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon, Georgia Tech, and Cal Tech with a 36 on the ACT. • If I missed anything or if you have any questions, leave me a comment! Hope you enjoyed my story on how I got into Princeton and about some of the stats that will help you get into Princeton and the Ivy League, and hopefully you'll find this advice is helpful. • These are the stats that got me into Princeton University's Engineering School! In this video, I give some advice on how to get into Princeton and the Ivy League. If you're wondering how I got into Princeton, this is how I got into Princeton! This was my personal application, so it will be different from everyone else. • ================== • Table of Contents: • 1:15 - Preface • 2:40 - Test Scores (SAT, ACT, PSAT, SAT Subject) • 4:54 - GPA • 5:32 - AP Classes/Exams • 6:57 - Extracurriculars • 12:44 - Dealing with Rejection • 16:39 - Conclusion • 2:37 typo big bruh moment • ================== • LINKS: • Smart Traffic Light Video: •    • Traffic Pattern Analyzer Using Live O...   • Build Blog: • • Dance Videos from my first year at Princeton: • PUB (Princeton University Ballet) •    • Deer - Kyle Ikuma '23 | CARNIVAL OF T...   • Triple 8 •    • Transportation Systems Analysis | GEN 8   • BodyHype •    • HIIT | Radioactive   • ================== • ►Click here to subscribe! I post weekly on Tuesdays, sometimes more. •    / @kyleikuma5790   • ►Visit my website for build blogs + other content: • ►Follow me on Instagram:   / ikumak.makes   • ================== • My Gear: • Olympus OM-D E-M5: • FiFine USB Mic: • ================== • About me: • I'm a first-year Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering student at Princeton University! I've been making things ever since I was young. I loved (and still do) using my hands to create intricate and detailed origami models, Lego contraptions– and this passion progressed as I learned about electronics and how to solder, computer-aided manufacturing and design, and machining. Most of my experience using these tools is from my own personal projects and experimentation over the years, and a motto I fully stand behind is learn by doing . My goal with this channel is to grow as a content creator and as an engineer and maker. • ================== • • #ivyleague #princetonuniversity #gotigers


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