How To Optimize Your Digital Marketing Channel Investment Allocation Using Excel Solver
Want to learn how to use Excel Solver to optimize your digital marketing channel investment allocation? • This video presents an original exercise that requires students to (1) estimate the relationship between investment level and return for 4 digital marketing channels, and (2) optimize the allocation of spending across the four channels to maximize the investment return for three different budget levels using Excel's Solver tool (GRG nonlinear engine). This exercise can be used as a standalone assignment or in conjunction with Chapter 13 of Stukent's Digital Marketing Essentials text. • Note: This content is not sponsored nor approved by Stukent. • Data file: • • Stukent Text: • Title: Digital Marketing Essentials • Author: Jeff Larson and Stuart Draper • ISBN: 978-0-692-22688-9 • Publisher: Edify