Installing New Kitchen Cabinets moving downsizing newhome homeinspo organizationideas


With this kitchen being so small and barely having any cabinet space, I had nowhere to store any pantry items besides just utensils, pots and pans, and plates and cups. Plus the house doesn’t have a pantry either so we decided to build in more storage cabinets for the pantry. So going from a house that had a huge kitchen and a large pantry to this small space for both combined was hard. I ended up only pulling out essentials and storing a bunch of stuff in the garage for now until we upgrade this house and have more storage for everything else that’s in the garage. • Since we’ll be remodeling this entire place, this kitchen is only temporary but something we needed to live here until the remodel is complete • #twinmom #wemoved #newhouse #kitchen #kitchenorganization #kitchenaddition #kitchenstorage #kitchenstorageideas #remodeling #houseproject #kitchenproject #newcabinets #pantrystorage #downsizing


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