Esophagectomy and Gastric Pullthrough Procedures


Read the full text: • Esophagectomy and Gastric Pull-through Procedures • Jennifer C. Flanagan, MSRS, RRA, Richard Batz, MD, Sachin S. Saboo, MD, FRCR, Shaun M. Nordeck, MSRS, RRA, Suhny Abbara, MD, Kemp Kernstine, MD, PhD, Vasantha Vasan, MD • Esophagectomy is the primary treatment for local and locally advanced esophageal carcinoma and for the management of a variety of benign conditions, including esophageal strictures and achalasia. There are a variety of esophagectomy procedures that are employed in treating patients with esophageal disease. Imaging of the patient after esophagectomy is key to detecting early and delayed complications of this complex procedure. In the article by Dr. Flanagan and members of the Departments of Radiology and Surgery from UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, the spectrum of transthoracic and transhiatal esophagectomy procedures are reviewed. The article provides beautiful illustrations of the various procedures and reviews the normal imaging of the postoperative patient with a focus on the approach to detecting complications, including intraoperative damage to adjacent structures, anastomotic leaks and strictures, and functional gastroesophageal disorders. • c) 2015 The Radiological Society of North America •


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