In this video, we'll be discussing the proximal hamstring tendinopathy and its symptoms. We'll also be discussing the high hamstring tendinopathy test and its use in diagnosing proximal hamstring tendinopathy. • If you're experiencing pain in the proximal hamstring region, be sure to watch this video to find out how to diagnosis and treat this condition! Thanks for watching! • Want more info? We have a free webinar that covers sit bone pain (ischial bursitis) detail so you can find a treatment that works for you. Stretches and exercises do not always help sit bone pain. Use this link to get access. • #hamstring #hamstringstretch #hamstringexercise • To work with us, contact us using this link or call us 714-502-4243. We have online programs, virtual and in-person options. • Costa Mesa, CA • [Performance Place website hamstring article excerpt] • Why Do You Have Tight Hamstrings? Do you have pain on the sitbone? • Hamstrings (and the their attachments into the sit bone) can become tight for a variety of reasons: • Overuse • Nerve pressure • Too much sitting • Too much running • Lack of hip mobility • Throughout this guide, I’ll show some of the best hamstring stretches in existence. If they don’t work for you then you may need to address your hamstring tightness with a non-stretching correction. Stretching does not fix all hamstring tightness, regardless if it feels good in the moment or not. • In the end of the article, I’ll guide you to another reference that will probably work better if you fall into this category. • What To Expect In This Article • All of the hamstring stretches that you will ever need to know. • How to stretch specific areas • Pictures + Instructions included • Strengthening exercises that actually improve your flexibility • What to do if these exercise aren’t working for you • TOE TOUCHING HAMSTRING STRETCH • The most common old-fashioned way to stretch your hamstrings is with a forward fold toe touch. To ensure that you’re releasing long-standing hamstring muscle tension, start the forward bend from the hips. The verbal cue of “pushing your hip pockets backwards seems to work for most beginners. • Since the hamstring starts at the sit bones of the pelvis, “pushing your hips behind you” is all you’ll need to stretch your hamstring in isolation. If you are looking to open up the back as well, simply breath into your yoga pants waistline and segmentally bend from each section of the spine (starting with the lower sections). Keep your feet grounded the entire time. • Don’t bounce in and out of the stretch because it will trigger a protective reflex that will make your hamstring tighten up to protect against the bounce. Hold this forward fold for 30 seconds. It should be comfortable the entire time just like all of the hamstring stretching in this article. • In yoga, they may tell you to “lift your sit bones” to the sky. While this is a great yoga cue, in clinical practice, I’ve found pushing your hips behind your feet works better and is much more protective over other parts of the body. Keeping your feet grounded into the floor should also make you feel more stable, resistant of falling when performing a forward fold. • SIT/ REACH HAMSTRING STRETCH • Next up is the sit and reach stretch. An oldie but goodie, the sit and reach hamstring stretch is sadly performed incorrectly often. As previously noted before, your hamstring only travels from the back of the knee to the sit bone. All you really need is a bend of the hip to stretch your tight hamstring. I’ve included some faults in the correlated picture. • How to stretch your hamstrings in the sit and reach stretch: • Sit with only one leg extended (other is bent) • With a “proud chest/ proud posture” lean toward your ankle on the straightened leg • Keep your back flat • Hold the stretch for 30 second, relax for 10 seconds and then repeat. • DOOR JAMB STRETCH • CONTRACT- RELAX SUPINE HAMSTRING STRETCH FOR BEGINNERS • One way to increase hamstring flexibility is using the contract-relax doorway stretch. It is exactly how it sounds, you contract the hamstring and then relax it in a cyclical fashion. Starting on your back is a great way to work towards your goal of touching your toes when standing. • Can everyone touch their toes at the start of a stretching program? No, it takes time. Dancers don’t become flexible overnight and you won’t either. It’s a long-term thing. • Contract-relax stretching for increasing hamstring flexibility has more research than many other types of stretching styles. • Here’s some tips: • When pressing into the wall, attempt to dent the wall with the tip of your heel (30-50% of your full effort) • Contract for 10 seconds • Relax for 5 • Slide in closer and do it again • Attempt no more than 5 cycles • Each time you’ll get closer to the wall. This one is amazing for near immediate results.