The Violent South Philly quotMafia Princequot The Story of Salvatore quotSalviequot Testa
Salvatore Salvie Testa was Philly mob royalty. He was the son of underboss Phil Testa, but was also a great earner, accomplished killer and overall leader. This would ultimately lead to a pattern of problems and deceit for Salvie. • Some of the info in this video came from the terrific book 6000 Days Of Us by Rosina Rucci detailing the love life of her and Salvie Testa. It is a truly incredible book and I urge you to by it here: • If you enjoy our show, please hit the like button and make sure if you're new around here you subscribe as well! • For more mafia history content check out my podcast The Sit Down here: • ALSO CHECK OUT MY FRIENDS AT for everything in Mafia inspired clothing, stickers, art and more. Use promo code SITDOWN20 for 20 percent off!!