How to fix the REF error in Excel


Learn how to fix the #REF error in your Excel formulas. This video covers the top causes of the #REF and how to solve them. By the end of this video you will fix your #REF error and your spreadsheet will be back in working order. The Excel #REF error causes covered in this video are: • 0:00 Overview of topics covered • 0:18 Deleting referenced cells - If you delete cells referenced by another formula Excel returns the #REF error. To fix this use the undo function, enter a sum formula instead of an addition operator, delete the error using Go To Special, or find and replace “#REF!” with blank. • 1:42 Cut and paste - When you cut and paste cells into an existing formula Excel returns a #REF error. Refer to the solutions listed above for this cause. • 1:59 Deleting referenced tab - Excel returns a #REF error when you delete a tab referred to by an Excel formula. Undo cannot reverse the deletion of a tab. Exit the workbook, do not save, and when you re-open the #REF error will be gone. • 2:32 Relative references - Update your formulas to use absolute references instead of relative references to remove the #REF! error in your Excel formulas. • 3:14 VLOOKUP invalid reference - If your VLOOKUP returns a #REF error make sure your table array includes the column index number that you want the formula to return. • 3:52 INDEX invalid reference - If your INDEX returns a #REF error make sure your array includes the column number that you want the formula to return. • 4:16 INDIRECT invalid reference - INDIRECT formulas return a #REF error when they refer to another workbook that is not open. Open the workbook your INDIRECT formula refers to and the #REF error will go away. • 4:44 Link to a practice Excel workbook - • Please give this video a thumbs up if you solved your #REF error • Subscribe to my channel -


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