Make Everything You Build STRONGEROverlooked CARPENTRY SECRET
Check Out the ULTIMATE CARPENTRY CHECKLIST!! Get your free interactive ebook here: • • This 150-item Visual Glossary covers every important topic in carpentry. Check off the tools you have, the concepts you understand. And if you don't know a topic, just click on it for an explanation. Every carpenter and DIYer needs this free guide! • Make Everything You Build STRONGER...(Overlooked CARPENTRY SECRET!) • Many carpentry newcomers, and even some pros, fail to understand exactly where strength comes from in their structures. • When dealing with SPAN STRENGTH--or the amount of load (weight) that a structural member can carry across an open span--they'll often assumed that material THICKNESS makes all the difference. • However, thickness usually has very little to do with actual span strength. Instead, utilizing the appropriate dimensional axis is far more important. • To get the most out of a board...simply turn it on edge. • When you turn a board, or long piece of material, on edge, it gains something like the CUBE of the strength it possessed while lying down flat. That means it's exponentially stronger! • Stiffbacks and Strongbacks are one of the ways that we utilize this principle to support sagging ceilings. • At a smaller level, face frames improve the span strength of our built-ins and cabinets. • When you look around, you'll begin to see this carpentry strength principle at work everywhere! • Cheers, • The Honest Carpenter