The Hardest Yugioh Game DCG Experience Reshef Of Destruction


Chapters: • 0:00 Intro • 4:43 The Plot, New Mechanics, My Cards The Grinding • 27:38 Game Start, Rebecca, Lackeys The First Guardian • 37:09 The Casino, Catacombs, Some Goons Side Quest • 46:45 China, Canada, Obelisk, More side quest • 1:02:33 My Socials Are The Ad Roll • 1:05:17 The Islands, Grinding, New Cards • 1:19:18 Rare Hunters Invade, Speed running Reshef • 1:37:42 Paradox, Egypt, The castle Goons • 1:54:40 The castle Goons • 2:03:08 End Game • The Chrono Trigger Remixes are from this channel! Best remixes of these classic tracks I ever heard. •    / malcolmrobinsonmusic   • • An in depth look at Yu-Gi-Oh Reshef of Destruction presented as if it's a walkthrough. My biggest video to date and the last time i make a video this huge for A WHILE. This video had a lot of pitfalls in development. Now mind you I beat the game in a week. That's the standard amount of time it takes for me usually. Also audio quality changes a lot since this was recorded over a multitude of different time periods. • To speak on the game a bit I was not expecting to come away from the game with any positives. This game is a 1/5 game to be clear. But underneath all that grime and dirt is a gem. It's not worth playing to see that gem unless your playing this on your uncles GBA. The pacing and power scaling of the game is just right. But the grinding you have to do just to make this game playable puts it in the worst tier of video games. If you started the game with 1800 to 2000 DC, it would be a lot more playable without messing with much of the pacing. I saw theirs a mod that changes the rewards to what it was in sacred cards but it might be too much for the beginning and early game • Now to speak on the the video making process. The editing took me a MONTH! The script took a week. The sound and recording took another week. And the editing 2 weeks. This happened because the problem is the speed of the game. Every duel has the effect marker check. • In order to speed things up for my sanity, I played the game at over two times the speed. I didn't realize how much was in the game until I started to wrote 1/3 of the script and got through only a small portion of the footage. 1/3 of the script was 10,0000 words btw. I didn't tackle this video with parts in mind so it was to late to rewrite in a way to make that flow well. Now I dread making long videos because the amount of work it takes does not balance out with the amount of time I played the game. 1 week of gameplay and 4 weeks of editing is not for me lmaoooo. It's a huge investment in time I'm not willing to make again any time soon. • The worst part is rendering a video this huge. This video was done over the weekend. However the render kept crashing. The render for this video takes 3 and a half hours on a CPU with 12 CORES! I wasted 4 days trying to render this video. Even if it was in parts I still have to go through that same hurdle of rendering. Originally I had the post game content planned to be in this but, the video was already to much. I'll upload a short video on the postgame on Patreon and probably a second channel down the line • In spite of all of the nonsense, I'm glad I was able to finish this. It's a learning experience for me cause now I know what it takes to make a video this long. I won't make the same mistakes when I tackle the bigger games. I'll work on the big projects in the background while working on the medium and small size videos. • With my next big project being forbidden memories and my next few videos being on games I can make a 30 to 40 minute video out of while working on FM in the background. Thank you for reading this rant description lmao. I've been through a lot to make this a reality • My   / gameboylad   if you want to show some extra support • I stream at twitch at   / gameboyladd   • give it a follow if you want to see me play through some games in real time • My twitter is   / gameboylad   • My Discord server is   / discord   • IF YOU JOIN IT, MESSAGE ME FOR A ROLE OTHERWISE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE THE CHANNELS • #forbiddenmemories #yugioh #yugiohmasterduel • #yugioh #ygo #gameboyadvance #duelingbook #cards #cardgame #cardgames #dcg #digitalcards #digitalcardbattle #digitalcard #gba #retrogames


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