Mercedes W126 gears repair Speedometer amp Odometer by JMSpeedshopcom
➤Don't forget to subscribe ! • ➤Website: • ➤instagram: / johanmuter • So in a W126 we have a electroinic speedometer. This is a common problem that the gears from to the distance counter and • the daycounter brake. • The gears will just brake of or the tops will be of and the daycounter will not run or both will be broken. • So i have bought a repair set on ebay for about € 12,- i thought it was. • So got the clock out of the cluster and replaced them. • The set should be a direct fit and in most parts it was. But on the second gear i needed to get some plastic cut of to make a good fit • so it would turn and tht the cover could be put on. • Also on the small gear i needed to do more mods. the hole is a bout 2mm standard. but the axle where the gear need to be on is about • 3.5mm so i had to drill it bigger to 3.5mm.. • I also put a drop of glue on the back to make it a stuck fit • After this i tested it in the car and it works like new again so pretty easy job and can be done in about 30min. • If there are any questions just ask •