What is Pastoralism
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In this video Ian Scoones, Professorial Fellow at IDS, draws on his years of research and experience to answers the question 'What is Pastoralism?' • Ian Scoones is co-director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex and principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant project, PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Lessons From the Margins). More information can be found here - https://pastres.org/ • Photos are from Amdo Tibet, China; Borana, Ethiopia; Gujarat, India; Isiolo, Kenya; Sardina, Italy and Puntland, Somalia. With thanks to: Antonello Franca, Natasha Maru, Michele Nori, Ian Scoones, Palden Tsering, and Masresha Taye. • And with thanks to the European Research Council. • What is development? Is a video series that aims to plug into contemporary debates and discourses, and to ask current, timely and important questions within international development. Our world faces unprecedented disruptions and shocks. They pose risks but also present opportunities to transform approaches in how we tackle global challenges. The questions the series seeks to address are guided by the IDS Strategy 2020-2025 • (https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/h...) • And the IDS commitments on: upholding climate and environmental justice; reducing extreme inequities; fostering healthy and fulfilling lives; and nurturing inclusive, democratic, and accountable societies. While the series aims to look at many of the global challenges that we are facing, it also points towards much of the research and learning that is being conducted at IDS in these areas and how they can, ultimately, impact upon the world.