VY Qwaint vs HACKER CHASE on TRAIN to Project Zorgo Headquarters Challenge

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=KO3_VHFwPpw

HELP ME Get the Ninja Gadget from the YouTube Hackers! • After Chad Wild Clay made REAL LIFE TRICK SHOTS Ninja Wins PROJECT ZORGO Hacker Challenge, Vy Qwaint created LAST TO LEAVE HOT TUB LAVA CHALLENGE WINS $10,000 NINJA GADGETS from PROJECT ZORGO HACKER and Daniel uploaded CWC vs HACKER in RACE to SENSEI to Upgrade Project Zorgo Ninja Gadget to the Exposing Project Zorgo YouTube channel, PZ4 challenge CWC and Vy to a Don't Trust Fall Into The Wrong Pool Mystery Box game. If they win, Chad, Daniel and Vy win the safe house and mystery box. After the challenge, spy ninjas discover clues PZ4 is wanted by Project Zorgo for a $10,000 reward. Vy goes undercover as a Project Zorgo member to obtain a new ninja gadget. After an epic ninja battle royale for the gadget, she goes exploring and learns she must deliver it to the wise man named Sensei! In order for Sensei to upgrade the ninja gadget, the CWC crew must participate in games like The Floor Is Lava Challenge and the Last to Leave Hot Tub Challenge Wins $10,000. Once the YouTubers completed the challenge, they learn about additional wise men and more pieces to the ninja gadget. Hopefully, Vy Qwaint can gain possession of the new ninja gadget on her mission to the Luxor! Thank you for watching my entertainment comedy videos in 2019! • Watch my friend’s awesome videos: • FaZe Rug - BUILDING THE WORLD’S BIGGEST HOT WHEELS TRACK!! (1,000 FT) •    • BUILDING THE WORLD’S BIGGEST HOT WHEE...   • Stephen Sharer - UNDERCOVER as TOP SECRET AGENT to Intercept GAME Mystery Box Package Delivery!! (CAUGHT) •    • UNDERCOVER as TOP SECRET AGENT to Int...   • Carter Sharer - I WON EVERY PRIZE IN CLAW MACHINE!! (ARCADE CHALLENGE) •    • I WON EVERY PRIZE IN CLAW MACHINE!! (...   • ◉ SUBSCRIBE:    / vyqwaint   • ◉ Instagram:   / vyqwaint   • ◉ Twitter:   / vyqwaint   • Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mNMGH


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