How to Make a Grapefruit Facial Mask DIY Spa Facials
Watch more How to Give Yourself a Spa Facial at Home videos: • Grapefruit Facial Mask Recipe: 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 cup corn meal 1/4 cup grapefruit juice Cool in the fridge to thicken • A great mask for oily skin, acne skin, or even people with normal skin is using grapefruit as an ingredient. So that's what we're going to do right now. • You're going to need grapefruit. One half of a grapefruit is plenty. We're going to squeeze the juice from it. We're going to do a half of a cup of cornmeal. This will really absorb the oil in the skin, and clarify the pores. Then we're going to do a half of a cup of yogurt. I prefer organic plain yogurt. This has a lot of lactic acid, but also it has acidophilis which is really antibacterial. • Let's start adding ingredients. First I'm going to put my yogurt, half of a cup. Now I'm going to add my cornmeal. Finally we're going to do the grapefruit. We can just stir this all together. • It makes a really nice pasty consistency which is a great consistency. It's easy to work with. I'm just going to apply a thin layer to my skin. • The cornmeal absorbs oil that's in excess on the surface of the skin. That's why this is great for an oily skin, but also for normal skin types that just want to clean their pores out. I would leave this on the surface of the skin for 20 minutes, and then I would rinse it off with tepid water which means not too hot, not too cold. • We're combining the vitamin C of the grapefruit which is amazing as a foundation for good skincare. Also the acidity of the grapefruit is very nice for clarifying the pores in the skin. The cornmeal, like I said, it feels like a scrub on the surface of the skin, but it also absorbs excess oil, and the yogurt is very good for calming the skin, calming inflammation. • So it's what really gets rid of breakouts on the surface of the skin when we use this. And that's the most important part of all is that it'll really clarify the skin, make it more even, flatten out any inflammation that you have, and it'll really make you feel like you have really clean, clear, glowing skin at the end.