Beba B Little Donkey Sue Malo Magarence english version
Dear kids, we want to make you happy with the new song Little Donkey Sue. • The goal of BEBA B channel is to gather the family. The BEBA B music world shows the life lessons needed for further socialization of children, giving parents the opportunity to teach and play with their little ones while watching the BABY B channel together. • πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ • We want to help babies and preschoolers to learn letters, colors, numbers, animal sounds and the world around them. • πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ • The Baby B world shows the life lessons needed for further socialization of children, giving parents the opportunity to teach them, and at the same time play with their little ones while watching the BEBA B channel together. • π • π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅ • Music: Beki Bekic • Lyrics: Beki Bekic • Translation: Artea Panajotovic • Mix: AKsoundstudio - Aleksandar Kovacevic • Vocals: Emilija Popovic, Beki Bekic, Sara BekiΔ VujiΔiΔ • π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅ • Lyrics: • Little Donkey Sue • Our little donkey Sue stood under a pear tree • With no fear of winter’s chill, she was happy, she was free • But wind blew and rain came down harder and harder • She got scared, „hee-haw“ she brayed louder and louder • My daddy bought a blanket warm and blue, • A blanket warm and blue for my little donkey Sue • Daddy took my donkey Sue out of the cold rain • Covered her with blanket blue,now she’s warm and well again • Little donkey’s happy now, with a basket full of food • I stroke her little gentle head, she pricks her ears and feels so good • My daddy bought a blanket warm and blue, • A blanket warm and blue for my little donkey Sue • #bebab #malomagarence #littledonkeysue