Beef biryani recipe perfect beef rice with genuine spices spicy amp tender


Today Entertainer Earnest have a delicious beef biryani recipe for you. Yes, I will be using a pre-packaged mix, Shan’s Karachi Beef Masala, but it’s only because it’s so good, easy, and cheap! I highly recommend that you use this prepackaged mix of flavoring for your beef biryani as well. It takes all the guess work out of this already complicated dish. • Beef Biryani recipe is one of the most beloved Pakistani recipe and there is restaurant or household that is virtually untouched by it. there are many other traditional Pakistani cooking recipes on the Entertainer Earnest. • Beef biryani is a variant of the popular chicken biryani recipe but the general cooking procedure and the ingredients remain the same. Biryani is a rice based recipe which is cooked with spices, meat, fish, prawns and spices and the recipe was first prepared by the Muslim community of the Indian subcontinent and since then it has been the sweetheart of all food lovers. The word “biryani” is an Urdu word, derived from the Persian language. According to an Indian historian, the recipe of biryani is almost as old as four thousand-year-old civilization, when the first combination of rice and meat was prepared for eating. It has now become a staple dish and can be found all over the country, at five-star restaurants to roadside eateries, biryani has taken the whole country by storm. Not only in Pakistan, biryani has earned fame in the Arabian Peninsula, Burma, Nepal and Bangladesh too. • #biryani #biryanirecipe #biryanilovers #beef #beefrecipe #rice #traditional #beefbiriyanirecipe • Keep watching Entertainer Earnest. • Thank you for watching my video. • Follow me on facebook : •   / ruqiyaibrahim7  


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