The Blue Rider Greg Svenson talks Blackmoor


Watch the Movie Now! • Many of the players in the Blackmoor campaign went on to become iconic personas in the campaign world. • In this video Greg Svenson talks about his involvement in the creation of The Blue Rider. • This interview was done as part of the production of Secrets of Blackmoor - a two hour documentary on the history and development of Dungeons Dragons. Other parts of this interview appear in the movie. You can pre-order your copy of the movie on Kickstarter now at: • Bill Heaton became The Blue Rider, or simply BLUE when he discovered the Sci-fi armor deep in the dungeon of castle Blackmoor, • Arneson had introduced Sci-fi elements into Blackmoor early on and would continue and even expand into John Snider's Sci-fi campaign. • Perhaps what is most telling about these videos about Blackmoor is that the players describe the game as a real experience. Contrary to some of the less well researched histories, Blackmoor is an RPG as most people understand them to be today. • As David Megarry says in the Trailer for the film, What do you want to do -- That was the turning point in my mind. • Another item of note is that despite not running a dungeon adventure, then Greg Svenson is the second fantasy referee, before even Gary Gygax, when he acts as the judge for Bill and Mel as they try to figure out how to operate the magic armor. • Make sure to get on our mailing list: • Or • check out our FaceBook page:   / blackmoorsecrets   • And keep on gaming!


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