GTA V Hot Date With Sapphire Booty Call
Reupload of a hot date with the girlfriend Sapphire, she is a stripper working at the Vanilla Unicorn in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. (GTA 5) • ►GoldSetti Merch: • • ►SUBSCRIBE: • / @goldsetti • Sapphire has shoulder-length brown hair and wears a purple corset and thong to match. She lives at The Royale on Spanish Avenue in West Vinewood. While pole dancing, Sapphire mentions that she never finished high school by way of casual conversation with the player. • To fill Sapphire's (or any other stripper's) like meter, one must get a private dance with her and flirt/touch her until the like meter is filled. • When her 'like' meter is high enough, she will provide the player with the option to pick her up behind the club in GTA V. She will join the player in their car, so they can take her home for booty calls.